Overpopulation is the number one cause of death among companion animals in West Tennessee.
There simply are not enough good homes for all of the kittens and puppies being born each season.
Although adoption programs provide homes for many animals,
far too many cats and dogs suffer the fate of death, often by barbaric means.
Those who aren't killed at shelters and pounds are often abandoned and left to fend for themselves.
If they don't starve to death, they are killed by coyotes or cars,
or they succumb to untreated injuries and illnesses.
Sadly, abandoned animals are also a target for evil human beings.
​There is no way for rescues and shelters to take all of the animals in need of help.
There aren't enough kennels, cages, volunteers, hours in a day,
or dollars in the bank to meet the needs of so many animals.
Even with good adoption programs,
shelters and rescues in our area are usually bursting at the seams.
It is not possible to adopt our way out of overpopulation.
The good news is that there is a solution: SPAY/NEUTER!
At Red Fern, we believe in responsible pet guardianship.
As such, we have low-cost spay/neuter vouchers available throughout much of the year.
If there is a red button located at the bottom of this page, we still have vouchers available.
If the red button is hidden,
we have assigned all vouchers allotted through our grant.
Please check with one of the other organizations with spay/neuter assistance programs.*
Only YOU can prevent over-crowding in shelters.
Only YOU can prevent unwanted litters dumped on country roads.
Please do YOUR part to reduce animal overpopulation.
* Other organizations with spay/neuter assistance programs:
Carroll County Humane Society
Humane Way Humane Society
Karin' 4 Kritters
People for Animals (PFA)
Spay Tennessee
West TN Spay Neuter